This week's Friday Funny is dedicated to a vine we made this weekend that I think I have showed everyone because it makes me laugh so hard. It was unfortunately really cold and rainy this weekend at the beach. Therefore we could not bathe on the beach or even drink outside in the backyard. All 15 of us were stuck inside together. So as Saturday went on... we got a little delirious. As many beach houses do, we have a lot of pong balls for obvious reasons. It started with one room mate throwing a pong ball in the air at the ceiling fan, then it just caught on until we were all throwing pong balls at the ceiling fan together. It really was hysterical. Then this turned into a game of almost like musical chairs, we kept eliminating a pong ball and racing to get the last balls. If you didn't get a ball, you were out. We probably played this for a good hour and just laughed and laughed and laughed!
The start of the game...
And the winner is....
Can't wait to play this weekend!