Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Funny

I am sorry, but I guess I am getting old; I do not understand the fascination with the Kardashian's, especially Kylie Jenner's lips.

These young kids trying to get her lips by sucking the air out of shot glass and end up bruising their lips deserved to be laughed at. Sorry but you do.

Hope this video makes your Friday like it made mine!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ladies Night

I am lucky enough to have had the same friends since I was in elementary school. We understand one another and truly love each other as if we were actually sisters. I am very fortunate. We still get together for dinners often and  try out new things where we usually laugh our butts off!

Well last Saturday, we ventured off into the city to see an interactive off-Broadway play called "That Bachelorette Show," and boy did we laugh. The show is about a single girl looking for the man of her dreams. The 12 eligible bachelors work the crowd, and the audience ultimately gets to pick the man for the bachelorette. Now here is where the laughs come in... the bachelors were sterotypical NYC men: the doctor, the Navy man, the prince, the Italian Stalion, the musician, the cowboy, the surfer, the business man, the average Joe, the pilot, and even the lesbian.

It was so much fun, my friends and I really loved the prince (who ended up winning) and the average Joe because he gave me beef jerky to vote for him! However we had some fun encounters with other men, like Gionvani, the Italian Stalion, who whispered extremely inappropriate pick up lines in my ear that were hysterical because I knew he was acting.

Selfie with the creepiest cupid ever!

If you live in the NYC area, it is a great, fun, and different night out! 

Laughter approved©.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday Funny

This Friday Funny goes to my nephew who just turned 4 years old this week. He cracks me (and himself) up with his jokes. He gets so excited to share them that he doesn't wait for the punch line... its hysterical how excited he gets over telling a joke!

Happy Birthday Nephew #2 - can't wait for all the laughs to come!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Slack a lacking....

Howdy y'all! It's been some time and I truly apologize... Life has been great and I have been super busy that I neglected you. But lucky for you... It's been almost two years (eek) and I have lots of laughs in store for you!

Stay tuned...