Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 days!

30 days until the 4th of July!

I love the 4th of July almost as much as I love my best friends.  4 years ago my best friends and I spent the 4th of July at Kate's lake house in Swartswood, New Jersey.  We had the time of our lives and full of laughter.  That night completely intoxicated, we vowed and promised to each other that for the rest of our lives that the 4th of July will be our holiday and always spent together. 

Let's face it, as we grow older, fall in love and get jobs, our lives may take us in different directions.  It is already happening and we are only 23.  Some of us are still in school, some have moved 20 minutes away and others 2 hours; it is life and tough decisions we have each had to make.  But I am lucky to have these friends and to have had them for almost 20 years now

So every 4th of July for the rest of my life, I have plans and those plans are in Swartswood, New Jersey with my best friends spending the day in the sun and laughing.  I hope my husband and kids are cool with that because if not - CYA - have a nice weekend with daddy because mommy will be at the lake!

1 comment:

  1. Just read this post and got really pumped for July 4th - 21 days!! It's great to know that no matter where we are or where we end up... Swartswood will always bring us together <3
