Wednesday, January 19, 2011

funny addictions

Honestly what is the world coming to with people and their cell phones.  Talk about calling the kettle black, but people and their cell phones have been making me laugh lately because of how important this little device is to people.  I will be the first to say,

"My name is Jenna and I am addicted to my blackberry, Jorge."

I had to laugh the other day while talking with my brother who is 13 years older than me.  I asked him how he and his friends my plans at night to go.  He explained how they would call his friends house line, say hello to his friends parent and ask to speak to his friend.  I thought this was so crazy because my generation has maybe only done this once or twice.  My friends and I made plans through calling eachother on our personal phones, instant messages, texts and now blackberry messenger.  My blackberry, Jorge, has caused so much stress in my life.
  • He has ruined nights at the bar when I recieve an email that I do not need to be reading on a Saturday night out with friends.
  • He allows my mother to call me whenever she wants and when I do not answer I get yelled at because my mom knows Jorge is always in my hand so she knows I am purposely not answering.
  • He has  dialed my boss from my pocket while drinking at the bar.  Luckily she is cool and thought this was hysterical.
  • He notifies friends when I read their messages and can prove I am a shit head when I do not respond right away.
I love Jorge... I really do, but where is the love back?

What are YOU addicted to?

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